Creative Photo Portrait Session With Vanessa Agudelo
I have wandered around all the 360 degrees, and every time, the road lead me back to where I started. I thought that I was lost, Read More
How To Find And Contact Models For Collab Work
Disclaimer: Most of the ideas and tips expressed here on this blog are, for the most part, the fruit of years of getting it wrong, personal research and trial and error. Everyone’s experience will be different, so take everything I say with a grain of salt.Read More
Miami Design District Photo Shoot With Drew Tyree
Writing these photo blog posts are such a treat to me. I pick the images in the order they were taken so I can follow the storyline behind the photo shoot. From there I just start writing, feeding off of what I am able to remember from the experience. There is no need for a draft. Read More
Mandolin Aegean Bistro Miami Photo Shoot With Natalie B
During the past three months, I had the great pleasure of meeting and networking with so many beautiful souls in Miami. Between professional models, women entrepreneurs or just photography lovers, we had a blast working on some amazing photo shoots.Read More
Wynwood Arts District Photoshoot With Vanie Louis
Shooting portraits in Wynwood Art District for my friend Vanie Louis was an incredible experience. Surrounded by art trying to create my own with an awesome model. What could a photographer ask more? Even the harsh sunlight was pleasing. There is something magical about Wynwood. You have to be there and open your mind to feel it. Read More