I remember why I started and the times I gave it all up. I remember doing it to please others just so I can feel accepted, and one day I would just didn’t give a damn. I still rememeber when photography saved my sanity and helped me see clearer during very dark times.I was learning to manual focus on my Sony A6000 and that made me slow down. I realized that there was no reason at all to rush myself through life. Live and be in the moment.

This new chapter, I don’t intend for it to be perfect, I’m aiming farther than that. Because finding true happiness doing something you love is more than enough, more than a perfect scenario. I am doing it my way, the right way. For the love of art, just like when I opened my first studio years ago in my hometown chérie Cap-Haïtien. So I’m asking you to be patient, but while you are here let me give you a rundown of what the website will be once fully launched.

As of right now you can access the Journal where I write about photography and everyhting else. There are a few images missing in certain posts because I’m doing new retouching with new experienced eyes on them.

The Welcome is self explanatory, I will showcase my best work full size for you to enjoy. A quick tip to new photographers, only show the work you want to be booked for.

The Experience page will let you know what to expect when you book the studio. We don’t want to create snapshots nor sell digital files on a USB drive, we want to create a custom experience for each of our future clients. Our motto is A Crew You Will Soon Call Family & A Place That Feels Like Home.

About Us is the page where you will meet the crew behind every print.

The Portfolio page will give you a more detailed view at everything we create both in studio and on location.

Booking page to help you navigate the process before you come in for your session. Everything starts with a free consultation whether in studio of via video call.

Contact to keep in touch with us.

Journal where I write about photography and post photo sessions. I’m just getting started.

I hope you enjoyed the post, stay blessed!