Everything in your camera bag must serve a purpose and should be used on a regular basis. If it’s not the case get rid of the unnecessary because you run the risk of becoming a collector, taking up space in your home and putting big holes in your pocket. But how do you know what to buy, especially in this consumerism world where the ads know exactly what part of our brain to entice. Besides that, there is the myth of incremental updates and upgrades aimed to make you a better photographer. All of this could be confusing to a newbie photographer looking to invest in a starter kit.
This post is the first in a new series called Useful Photography Gear. My goal is to help newbies invest their money wisely when it comes to buying camera gear. You don’t need the latest and greatest to create amazing images. When I first started I believed firmly in the opposite and that led me to blow all my money on stuff that I would sometimes use once. A camera and a lens are all you need to start learning photography. The good news is that any brand will get the job done perfectly.
As usual, any opinions expressed here are based on my personal experience. Please be advised that I am not selling any ads nor receiving commission on any products that you might buy through vendor links I post. It’s just to help you know where to get it. As a professional photographer, I invest in the best features available for the type of work that I do. You don’t have to buy exactly what I use if you are just learning photography. Instead, pay attention to the more affordable alternatives that I will recommend throughout this series. For instance, I own the Sigma 35mm f/1.4 Art lens which is pricey, but to someone studying photography, I would recommend getting the Nikon 35mm f/1.8G if you have a full frame camera.
But first I think it’s important for me to explain what I mean by Useful. It’s a piece of equipment that helps you get the job done without getting in your way, it also allows you to be more efficient when you’re shooting, it’s reliable and just work when you need it.
Today I am starting with the ThinkTank Lens Changer 3. I bought it because I wanted to be able to change lenses quickly on the spot without having to go to my main camera bag. It has three compartments designed specifically to hold your lenses up to a 70-200mm f/2.8 with the hood in reverse. So at any given time, I would have four lenses at my disposal, and often it’s more than enough for what I do. This bag also gives me space to carry small accessories such as a Speedlite, smartphone, batteries & chargers, and even a small tablet.
As a wedding photographer, I use a variety of lenses throughout the day in a fast moving world. This bag fits my style, saves me time and help me concentrate on creating images. Three well designed compartments to hold your lenses.
Self-explanatory. The bag is secured via two huge Velcro and I like the sound On/Off icon.
Then you I need to be in stealth mode, especially during the ceremony there is an option to temporarily cancel the use of the Velcro pads. It’s so neat. When I only need three lenses I like to keep a Speedlite handy.
There is a compartment in the back for small accessories. Here I have my external hard drive for photo backup after the wedding.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this bag please feel free to ask it down below. If you use one I would like to know how do you like it whether it be the one shown here or some other brand.
Until next time, keep up the good work and happy shooting!
The Gear I Use ( Affiliate Links )
Nikon D810 https://a.co/d/cTO1UF7
Rokinon 135mm f/2 https://a.co/d/1KbXAv0
Nikon 50mm f/1.8G https://a.co/d/8vRnUIn
Nikon 85mm f/1.8G https://a.co/d/gAl2t1U
Nikon 105mm f/2.8 Macro https://a.co/d/3EKc6yN
Flashpoint XPLOR 600 https://a.co/d/cgiDZxO
Flashpoint 600ws Extension FlashHead https://a.co/d/1CXYYsK
Flashpoint Zoom TTL R2 https://a.co/d/hjiwszB
Flashpoint R2 Pro 2.4GHz Transmitter https://a.co/d/6pOQh4J
Wacom Intuos Tablet https://a.co/d/1anO14J
Avenger 40″ Lightstand Kit https://a.co/d/gudjO2M
Savage Seamless Super White https://a.co/d/hEyP5gW